
Tech Solutions for Political Problems!


  • Critical Web Hosting (Anti DDoS)

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toxic posts were reported by social media users in 2019!

Facebook,  Instagram &  Twitter


only 5.7M removed! 65.5 Million toxic posts reported left untouched.

based on  2019 Twitter data (only one revealing)


Digitally enduced degeneration of social structures



Toxic Social Media

Weaponized Social Media Is Driving the Explosion of Fascism

Social media platforms give governments, extremists, haters and propagandists the ability to excite and incite hate amplified by algorithms.

truthout.org, April 5 2019



Toxic Social Media

Groundbreaking ADL Analysis Estimates 4.2 Million Anti-Semitic Tweets in One-Year Period

A minimum of approximately 4.2 million English language anti-Semitic tweets were disseminated between January 29, 2017 and January 28, 2018.

ADL, 7 May 2018



Toxic Social Media

Russia and China target U.S. protests on social media

Both countries have flooded Twitter with hashtags and other content experts say is aimed at sowing dissent across the country.

Politico, 1 June 2020



Toxic Social Media

Social Media to Radicalize Violent Offenders

Social media is increasingly playing a role, especially among lone actors like the ones responsible for El Paso and Dayton shootings.

BBC News, 6 November 2018



Toxic Social Media

Facebook admits it was used to incite violence in Myanmar

Facebook agrees with a report finding it had failed to prevent its platform being used to "incite offline violence" in Myanmar.

Wall Street Journal, 5 August 2019


Hijacking of corporae brands by toxic hate groups


American sports footwear and apparel brand

We live in crazy times: Neo-Nazis have declared New Balance the "Official Shoes of White People"

In a post written over the weekend, neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin declared New Balance the “Official Shoes of White People". "I'm a Nike guy. Or rather, I was. It's time to get on-board with New Balance now. Their brave act has just made them the official brand of the Trump Revolution".

Washington Post, 15 November 2016


UK fashion & clothing brand

The alt-right's Proud Boys love Fred Perry shirts but the company doesn't love them back

The alt-right group describes itself as a 'Western chauvinist' men's group founded by Canadian Gavin McInnes. Members' love of the brand's polo shirts prompted Fred Perry to distance itself from the group.

National Post, 10 July 2017


Professional ice hockey team based in Detroit

Detroit Red Wings to white supremacist group: Stop using our logo

White supremacists were holding a variety of signs, shield and flags at Saturday's rally in Charlottesville, Virginia -- including some donned with a slightly changed Detroit Red Wings logo.

CNN, 12 August 2017


American indoor/outdoor oil lamps brand

White nationalists use tiki torches to light up Charlottesville march

White nationalists descended Friday night on the University of Virginia campus with burning tiki torches -- lending a distinctly but likely unintentional Polynesian aura to a white nationalist group's march.

CNN, 14 August 2017


American motorcycle manufacturer

Harley-Davidson cuts ties with dealership over racist posts

Harley-Davidson said it is pulling its Facebook ads for the month of July and severing ties with a Tennessee dealership whose owner was accused of posting racist comments on social media disparaging Black Lives Matter protesters.

abc News, 2 July 2020


Digitally enduced degeneration of social structures


 toxic content reports in 2019


Victimes: Individuals

Mother of woman (21) who died by suicide leads campaign against cyberbullying.

Irish Times, 11 Sep. 2020


Victimes: Entire Communities

Social Media platforms have been weaponized by racists and partisan provocateurs.

New York Times, 19 Jun. 2020


Victimes: Corporates / Brands

More Than 1,000 Companies Boycotted Facebook. Did It Work?

New York Times, 1 Aug. 2020


Victimes: Nation States

Russia and China target U.S. protests on social media

New York Times, 1 Aug. 2020


People get hurt

Mother of woman (21) who died by suicide leads campaign against cyberbullying.



We're working to protect up to a million acres of sustainable forest.

People Hurt

Mother of woman (21) who died by suicide leads campaign against cyberbullying.

.slide-bottom and .content-right

People Hurt


Mother of woman (21) who died by suicide leads campaign against cyberbullying.

Irish Times | 11 Sep. 2020

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